Vernisaj of Comertbank. Art multiplication.
The vernissage deposits from deposits exposed Comertbank GOTIC, RENAISSANCE, BAROCCO and MODERN.
Different ways of accumulation of income and change in volume creates a wide range of warehouse storage and multiply your savings.
Depozitele persoanelor fizice și juridice sunt garantate până la nivelul de acoperire în mărime de 200 000 (două sute mii) lei moldovenești în conformitate cu art. 24 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 160 din 22.06.2023 cu privire la garantarea depozitelor în bănci, detalii pe
Choose the deposit that fits your style:
"GOTIC" - If you want to keep economies and also do not have time and opportunity to continuously monitor market trends - GOTIC store is for you! Rigid medieval GOTIC style is characterized by vertical lines, rising upward trend and perfect folds propagating need your savings. The fixed rate, fixed deposit amount and term strict storage offers the possibility of obtaining a stable income.
Currency |
Income (% annual) / Term (month)
Minimum amount | Refill | Withdrawal |