Visa Business debit card

VISA Business - Card with Contactless technology used by organizations or enterprises for the efficient management of the company's resources.


The card can be used for payments to merchants in the real and virtual environment, in the country and abroad, as well as for withdrawing cash only abroad in accordance with current legislation.




The VISA Business debit card can be issued in MDL, USD and EUR.


For further information, please contact any division of the Bank or the Call Center at: 14111, (+373 22) 14 11 11


Useful Information



Tariffs and fees for cards 



General card rules for Visa Business



Security measures




Depozitele persoanelor fizice și juridice sunt garantate până la nivelul de acoperire în mărime de 100 000 (una sută mii) lei moldovenești în conformitate cu art. 24 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 160 din 22.06.2023 cu privire la garantarea depozitelor în bănci, detalii pe